Wendy Sanders
Graduate of Lake Erie College with a Bachelor of Science degree with a focus on Equine Studies
6 month internship in Virginia with Debbie Bowman (Grand Prix Dressage rider, teacher, trainer)
6 month internship in Colorado with Debra Ganelle (Standing at Stud 2 Champion Holsteiner stallions, breeding 15 elite status mares per year, breaking, training, selling offspring)
3 year apprenticeship in Illinois with German instructor and breeder Klaus Biesenthal (Standing at stud “Ratibor” champion Holsteiner stallion)
1 year as assistant head trainer at Medieval Times in Chicago, Illinois
3 years riding under the tutelage of Sandy Chohaney (renowned I Level dressage judge)
Ridden with multiple clinicians including Conrad Schumacher, Klaus Balkenhol, Hilda Gurney, Michelle Gibson, Tom Poulin, Jan Brons etc…)
Currently riding weekly with Patricia Becker, a 2-year member of the USET Developing List.
Wendy has extensive experience breaking and training horses from unbroken to Grand Prix. She started her training business working mostly with problem horses and breaking babies. Her business then evolved into importing young horses from German auctions and training them through the levels of dressage. Wendy has also brought along many riders from training level through Prix St. George, including training a student and her horse to becoming a member of the Region II Jr/Yr Dressage Team. Wendy purchased her career making horse, “Ristrocat”, when he was 4 and trained him up to the Grand Prix level, competing him at CDI competitions, including Dressage at Devon. Wendy is a USDF bronze and silver medalist as well as half way to accomplishing her gold.
Wendy can be contacted by phone at (216) 376-0881 or email at wendymsanders42@gmail.com.